
As Wind tech develops so do the companies, investors and policies around it. We look into the ground breaking outcomes of this important renewable

  October 07, 2021

The 'wind speed lie'

Slower wind speeds are the cause of the energy crisis, suggest analysts; here is the problem with this statement, there is precious little evidence to back it up...

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  September 16, 2021

The battle of exponential will determine outcome of climate change war

Climate change is occurring exponentially, but exponentially advancing technology can combat it...

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  September 01, 2021

Climate Change gets Serious

The IPCC, or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its most recent report on 9 August 2021. This podcast looks at some of the findings and why we need to start becoming very serious about how we live, how we create energy and where we get it from....

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  July 09, 2021

Pacific coast heatwave shows temperature volatility is biggest climate change risk

The Pacific Coast heatwave was caused by climate change concludes a paper, and this illustrates why temperature volatility is the biggest climate change risk...

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  May 28, 2021

Climate change: Is Australia the equivalent of Kodak?

Dutch court shows Australian court the meaning of climate change responsibility, is Australia the nation equivalent of Kodak or Blockbusters and the Netherlands like Netflix?...

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  May 05, 2021

Climate lawsuits are good for the climate and business!

Last week, Germany's constitutional court decided, in an unexpected landmark ruling, that the country's climate law runs in parts against the constitutional rights....

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